Top 10 Romantic Movies In Hollywood | Best Romantic Movies In All Time In Hollywood


"The Note pad" (2004) - Coordinated by Scratch Cassavetes and featuring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, this film recounts the tale of a poor and enthusiastic young fellow who falls head over heels for a rich young lady, notwithstanding their different social classes. It depends on the novel of a similar name by Nicholas Flashes.

"Titanic" (1997) - Coordinated by James Cameron and featuring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, this film recounts the tale of a youthful couple who become hopelessly enamored on board the doomed boat, the Titanic. The film was an enormous business and basic achievement, and it won 11 Foundation Grants.

"The Issue in Our Stars" (2014) - Coordinated by Josh Boone and featuring Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort, this film recounts the account of two teens who fall head over heels while engaging disease. It depends on the novel of a similar name by John Green.

"The Sundown Adventure: Breaking Sunrise - Section 1" (2011) - Coordinated by Bill Condon and featuring Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, this film is the initial segment of the last portion in the "Dusk" adventure. It recounts the account of the adoration between vampire Edward Cullen and human Bella Swan as they plan for their wedding and the introduction of their kid.

"The Person who goes back and forth through time's Better half" (2009) - Coordinated by Robert Schwentke and featuring Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams, this film recounts the tale of a man who automatically time travels and the lady he cherishes. It depends on the novel of a similar name by Audrey Niffenegger.

"The Good for One" (2012) - Coordinated by Scott Hicks and featuring Zac Efron and Taylor Schilling, this film recounts the narrative of a home after Marine serving in Iraq and finds a photograph of a strange lady that drives him to the town where she resides. It depends on the novel of a similar name by Nicholas Sparkles.

"The Incomparable Gatsby" (2013) - Coordinated by Baz Luhrmann and featuring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan, this film is a transformation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's exemplary novel of a similar name. It recounts the tale of a rich man named Jay Gatsby and his adoration for a lady named Daisy Buchanan.

"The Best of Me" (2014) - Coordinated by Michael Hoffman and featuring James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan, this film recounts the tale of two previous secondary school darlings who reconnect following 20 years, notwithstanding the way that they are both hitched. It depends on the novel of a similar name by Nicholas Flashes.

"The Commitment" (2012) - Coordinated by Michael Sucsy and featuring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum, this film recounts the narrative of an in affection couple and get hitched, however after an unfortunate mishap, the spouse loses her memory and fails to remember her better half.

"The Period of Adaline" (2015) - Coordinated by Lee Toland Krieger and featuring Blake Vivacious and Michiel Huisman, this film recounts the tale of a maturing after a lady mishap and the one who goes gaga for her regardless of her mysterious.


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